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Bewegte Neuigkeiten für Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Saisonal ernähren im August

Feed seasonally in August

What foods can be harvested in August? Whether yellow, red or black tomatoes – tomatoes can make the menu in August colorful. Plums taste wonderfully

Saisonal ernähren im Juli

Seasonal diet in July

What foods can be harvested in July? Juicy, red cherries sweeten warm summer days. They are also a good source of melatonin and thus support


Feed seasonally in June

What foods can be harvested in June? With cucumbers and strawberries, summer is finally showing up on our plates. Cucumbers not only taste refreshingly delicious,


Feed seasonally in May

What foods can be harvested in May? Asparagus and radishes bring summer freshness to the menu. They also provide important nutrients for our body. Graphics


Feed seasonally in June

What foods can be harvested in June? With cucumbers and strawberries, summer is finally showing up on our plates. Cucumbers not only taste refreshingly delicious,


Feed seasonally in May

What foods can be harvested in May? Asparagus and radishes bring summer freshness to the menu. They also provide important nutrients for our body. Graphics

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