Moving news for Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Outreach Samstag Parcours

Outreach Saturday course

Come along to the Outreach Saturday course from 3-8pm at the Kerschensteiner School in Berlin! • Discover the world of parcours, freerunning and tricking in a safe and supportive environment. • Suitable for children and young people aged 12 and over, whether beginners or advanced. • Learn from each other, train on AirTrack and Eurotramp and have lots of fun! • We look forward to seeing you at Golliner Straße 2 – see you soon! Sporthalle / Kerschensteiner Schule Golliner Straße 2 12689 Berlin

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Family Sports Sundays

Sport, games and fun for families with children aged 3 – 12 years.•Location:•Sporthalle Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Schule, Cottbusser Straße 23-25, 12627 Berlin•(The entrance to the sports hall is located opposite Senftenberger Straße 37)•Contact:•Phone: 030 9989301•Email:•Please bring comfortable clothes and indoor gymnastic shoes or stopper socks!•The offer is free of charge and no registration is necessary!•During the summer vacations the offer does not take place!

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Tischtennis Nachmittag

Table tennis afternoon

No previous knowledge required!The most important thing: bring a desire to play and a good mood!When? tuesdays 3pm – 4.30pmMeeting place? At the table tennis table at KarlHo (neighborhood project “KarlHo” – Karl-Holtz-Straße 18)Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

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Family sports festival on 15.09.24

Family sports festival of the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district sports association•Come along and join in!•Dance performances, soccer badge, table tennis, bouncy castle, various play stations, obstacle course for children, ice cream, catering•The game is free of charge•Date: 15.09.24 – 10am – 4pm•Where: Sports field, Blumbergerdamm 300, 12679

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Beitrags Bild Bogenschießen


History of archery Archery was originally developed as a form of hunting. As a long-range weapon, the bow played an important role in military conflicts for a long time. There are archaeological finds of fully preserved arrows that prove that bows and arrows have been used by humans for around 12,000 years. Modern archery developed in England in the 16th century. The first known tournament took place there in 1583 with over 3,000 participants. In the middle of the 19th century, archery became a popular women’s sport in Great Britain. Archery was part of the program for the first time at the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris. Competitions were also held at the games in St. Louis (1904), London (1908) and Antwerp (1920). After a 52-year break, the sport was reintroduced in Munich in 1972 and has been part of the program ever since. In Germany, awareness of the sport increased with the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The silver medal won by Lisa Unruh from Marzahn in the individual competition is the main reason for this. Her bronze medal with the team at the next Games in Tokyo further increased her public recognition. Archery at the Olympics There are a variety of disciplines and competitions in archery. However, only the World Archery Federation (WA) outdoor competition, which is shot with a recurve bow, is Olympic. In this discipline, the target has a diameter of 122 cm and is 70 m away from the shooter. In a qualifying round, 64 athletes each shoot a total of 72 arrows, which are divided into two rounds. In each round, 6 times 6 arrows are shot, for each of which 4 minutes are allowed. A maximum of 10 points can be scored per arrow, i.e. 720 points in total. The results of the qualifying round determine the pairings for the subsequent knockout round (1st place against 64th place, 2nd place against 63rd place, etc.). In these duels, three arrows are shot per set. Two points are awarded for winning a set, and one point each in the event of a tie. Whoever reaches 6 points first wins the duel and moves on to the next round. A total of five competitions will be held. Two individual and two team competitions, each for athletes and a mixed team tournament. The team competitions use the results from the qualifying rounds of the individual competitions to determine the seeding list for the knockout round. However, the top four teams have already qualified directly for the quarter-finals. The pairings for the mixed competition are also determined by qualification results. Archery equipment The most important piece of equipment is the bow. There are different types of bow. However, the most commonly used are recurve and compound bows. The arrows are also absolutely essential. These can be made of wood, fiberglass, aluminum or carbon, but aluminum and carbon arrows have the best flight characteristics. In addition, a quiver (for easy and safe transportation of the arrows), a tensioning cord (for safe tensioning and untensioning of the bow), a finger guard (made of leather and covers the front of the finger) and an arm guard (prevents injuries from arrow contact) are required. Archery in Berlin An overview of Berlin clubs that offer archery can be found here

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17. August 2024

Open Promenade Day on August 17, 2024

On Saturday, August 17, it’s “Open Promenade Day” on the Marzahn Promenade and Viktor-Klemperer-Platz, which offers numerous hands-on activities for families. From 2 to 6 p.m. there will be performances and concerts, including the “Sock Puppet Theater” as well as street dance and taekwondo demonstrations and a piano concert. Rock, hip-hop and cover song concerts are on the program from 6 to 10 p.m. in cooperation with the Orwo-Haus association, which rents out rehearsal rooms to young musicians in Marzahn. Program overview at:

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In this article you will get to know the sport of finswimming. This is the fastest form of human locomotion (without a motor) in the water. You only need your own muscle power and a monofin to move around. As a result, the propulsion is approx. 12-15 times greater than with classic swimming. The fastest swimmers can reach a top speed of up to 3 meters per second. History and future The origins of finswimming can be found in the physical training of combat divers. The first European Championships were held at the end of the 1960s. The extended stereo fins that the combat divers also used were still used here. From the 1972 European Championships onwards, the first athletes also competed with a monofin. As a result, the crawl swimming technique was replaced by the faster and more aesthetic dolphin movement. Although finswimming has been recognized as an Olympic discipline by the IOC since 1986, it has not yet been included in the Olympic Games programme. The low level of awareness will be one of the reasons. Nevertheless, numerous national and international competitions are held. If the popularity of the sport can be further increased, it should be possible to include it in the Olympic program. The competition There are two different disciplines. Dive 50m under water while holding your breath. The current world record on this course is 0:13.70 min. The longer distances of 100m, 400m and 800m are completed with the smallest possible compressed air cylinders. As in classic swimming, competitions over 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m and 1,500m are held on the surface of the water. German finswimmers are organized in the Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher e.V. and practice the sport on an amateur basis. In other nations (Russia, Ukraine, China, Korea, Greece and Italy), finswimming has now become a professional sport. Over the last 20-30 years, the popularity of the sport has steadily increased. Finswimming is now practiced as a competitive sport in more than 40 nations worldwide. Physical requirements A very high effort of the torso and legs is necessary to move the large propulsion surface of the monofin dynamically, rhythmically and quickly. Learning the correct dolphin swimming technique requires a high level of coordination. In addition, snorkels or compressed air diving equipment must be used correctly. To keep arm and body movements dynamic, you need a lot of strength and flexibility in your torso, shoulders and arms at the same time. High levels of exertion with held breath and maximum muscle work at the same time require a psychological willingness to exert themselves on the part of the athlete. National successes and records Annett Lopez from Tauchsportclub Marzahn e.V. was honored in the “Adults” category at the 2023 Sports Awards in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. She won 2x gold, 2x silver and 1x bronze at the 2023 Masters World Championships. Other German finswimmers are also internationally successful. Johanna Schikora from Tauchclub fez e.V. in Berlin holds the women’s European records for 800m and 1500m on the surface. The men’s European records for 50m and 100m on the surface and 100m underwater were set by Max Poschart from SC DHfK Leipzig. Justus Mörstedt from SC DHfK Leipzig holds the world record in the men’s 200m underwater.

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Sport climbing

In this article you will learn about sport climbing, a relatively new sport at the Olympics. After its premiere in Tokyo 2021, this is only the second time the sport has been included in this year’s Olympic Games in Paris from July 26 to August 11. History Sport climbing is a form of free climbing where the sporting aspect is in the foreground. Climbing is done without climbing aids, but not necessarily without safety equipment such as bolts, harnesses and ropes. The roots lie in the idea of free climbing. The first sport climbers have been active since the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the Alps. In 1985, the first organized climbing competition was held near Turin with the “SportRoccia” event. Since 1991, world championships have been held in the lead and speed disciplines (see below for explanations of the disciplines). The third Olympic discipline, bouldering, was added to the World Championships in 2001. In 2018, sport climbing was part of the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires for the first time. Sport climbing at the Olympics At the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2021, the three different disciplines of lead, speed and bouldering were combined into one competition. At the games in Paris, the competition mode will change again. There will be two competitions each for male and female athletes. The bouldering and lead disciplines are combined. Speed climbing takes place as an independent competition. These changes increase the number of participants from 40 to 68 athletes. There are also more medals to be won, which makes the competitions even more exciting. By splitting up the disciplines, the climbers can better specialize in the respective competition and raise the level of performance even higher. Disciplines Lead: In Lead, the athletes, secured by a rope, climb as high as possible on a climbing wall in six minutes without having seen the route beforehand. They only have one attempt at this. Points are awarded according to the corresponding height or the number of holds achieved. Bouldering: In bouldering, the athletes have four minutes to climb a predetermined route (so-called problem) on a 4.5m high climbing wall. They are not secured. Athletes receive points for reaching different zones or the last hold (“top”) of the route. For each further attempt until the furthest reach is reached, 0.1 points are deducted. If the route is successfully climbed on the first attempt (“flash”), the athlete receives the maximum number of points (25 points). Several routes must be climbed during the competition. Speed: In speed, two athletes compete against each other at the same time. You have to try to reach the touchpad at the end of the 15 m high climbing wall as quickly as possible. These climbing duels are held in knockout mode. The route is standardized worldwide. The five-degree incline of the climbing wall is also the same for all competitions. Climbing in Berlin In Berlin, too, there are now numerous opportunities for climbing, be it on classic climbing walls, in indoor climbing halls, in climbing gardens or other climbing parks. You can find an overview of the climbing and bouldering options here. In Marzahn-Hellersdorf, the Wuhletalwächter in Eichepark is particularly noteworthy. This is a 17.5 m high climbing tower operated by AlpinClub Berlin e.V.. However, you must be a member of AlpinClub Berlin and book a climbing date. That is possible here. In Stendaler Straße in Hellersdorf there is also the BergWerk. BerlinEurope’s largest indoor climbing park, although it has little in common with the types of sport climbing described above.

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Outreach Samstag Parcours

Outreach Saturday course

Come along to the Outreach Saturday course from 3-8pm at the Kerschensteiner School in Berlin! • Discover the world of parcours, freerunning and tricking in a safe and supportive environment. • Suitable for children and young people aged 12 and


Family Sports Sundays

Sport, games and fun for families with children aged 3 – 12 years.•Location:•Sporthalle Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Schule, Cottbusser Straße 23-25, 12627 Berlin•(The entrance to the sports hall is located opposite Senftenberger Straße 37)•Contact:•Phone: 030 9989301•Email:•Please bring comfortable clothes and indoor gymnastic shoes

Tischtennis Nachmittag

Table tennis afternoon

No previous knowledge required!The most important thing: bring a desire to play and a good mood!When? tuesdays 3pm – 4.30pmMeeting place? At the table tennis table at KarlHo (neighborhood project “KarlHo” – Karl-Holtz-Straße 18)Children under 16 must be accompanied by


Family sports festival on 15.09.24

Family sports festival of the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district sports association•Come along and join in!•Dance performances, soccer badge, table tennis, bouncy castle, various play stations, obstacle course for children, ice cream, catering•The game is free of charge•Date: 15.09.24 – 10am – 4pm•Where:

Beitrags Bild Bogenschießen


History of archery Archery was originally developed as a form of hunting. As a long-range weapon, the bow played an important role in military conflicts for a long time. There are archaeological finds of fully preserved arrows that prove that

17. August 2024

Open Promenade Day on August 17, 2024

On Saturday, August 17, it’s “Open Promenade Day” on the Marzahn Promenade and Viktor-Klemperer-Platz, which offers numerous hands-on activities for families. From 2 to 6 p.m. there will be performances and concerts, including the “Sock Puppet Theater” as well as



In this article you will get to know the sport of finswimming. This is the fastest form of human locomotion (without a motor) in the water. You only need your own muscle power and a monofin to move around. As


Sport climbing

In this article you will learn about sport climbing, a relatively new sport at the Olympics. After its premiere in Tokyo 2021, this is only the second time the sport has been included in this year’s Olympic Games in Paris

Passend zu den wärmer werdenden Temperaturen stellen wir Euch heute die Sportart Discgolf vor. Sie kann nur im Freien ausgeübt werden. Auch wenn nicht jeder die Sportart kennt, können sie alle, egal ob jung oder alt, ausüben. Mit ein wenig Übung können gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden.
Die Regeln
Ziel beim Discgolf ist es, einen Kurs, der aus 18 Bahnen (weniger sind möglich) besteht, mit so wenig Würfen wie möglich zu absolvieren. Jede Bahn besteht aus einer Abwurfstelle, von der die Scheibe (die Disc) geworfen wird und einem Fangkorb aus Metall, in dessen Richtung die Scheibe geworfen wird. Eine Bahn ist beendet, wenn die Scheibe im Korb landet. Je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad können die Bahnen zwischen 40 und 250 Metern lang sein. 
Die Ausstattung
Um Discgolf zu spielen, wird nicht viel benötigt. Eine Grundausstattung aus Scheiben bekommt man schon für 25-30€ im Internet zu kaufen. Empfehlenswert ist es darauf zu achten, dass so ein Set aus mindestens 3 verschieden schweren Scheiben für unterschiedliche Distanzen besteht. Außerdem ist ein Fangkorb notwendig, der als Ziel beim Discgolf dient. 
In Berlin gibt es 3 Discgolf-Parcours, die zum Teil öffentlich zugänglich sind: in Lichterfelde, Kreuzberg und Weißensee.
Der Bezirkssportbund Marzahn-Hellersdorf bietet Euch die Möglichkeit, eine Grundausstattung bestehend aus zwei Fangkörben und verschiedenen Scheiben zu mieten. Nehmt gern Kontakt zu uns auf und wir organisieren den Verleih.
Discgolf ist für Jeden geeignet, egal ob jung oder alt. Entspannte Bewegung in der Natur, soziales Miteinander, Fairness, Respekt und Achtung untereinander machen den Sport zu einer einzigartigen Erfahrung. Wird der Sport ambitionierter betrieben, sind eine gute Auge-Hand-Koordination, sowie Kraft und Dynamik beim Abwurf wichtige Fähigkeiten.
Entwickelt wurde die Sportart in den 1970-er Jahren in den USA. 1979/80 bildeten sich auch in Deutschland erste Discgolf-Gruppen. Heute spielen ungefähr 1.500 Discgolfer in Deutschland regelmäßig. Mittlerweile gibt es weltweit über 3.000 Parcours mit steigender Anzahl. 
Hier gibt es Übersicht über Berliner Vereine, die Discgolf anbieten.

Disc golf

In keeping with the warming temperatures, today we are introducing you to the sport of disc golf. It can only be practiced outdoors. Even if not everyone knows the sport, it can be practiced by anyone, young or old. Good


Digital participation launched in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Focus on the future of sport and exerciseIn Marzahn-Hellersdorf, citizens now have the opportunity to participate digitally in the district’s sports development!With the sports development plan, recommendations for action are being developed that will shape the development of the sports

Saisonal ernähren im Dezember

Seasonal nutrition in December

Which foods can be harvested in December? Chestnuts bring wonderful warmth into the kitchen. Whether roasted in the oven for snacking, as a soup or processed in sauces, chestnuts impress with their nutty flavor and are also a healthy snack.

Saisonal ernähren im November

Seasonal nutrition in November

What foods can be harvested in November? Quinces make great jelly or compote. Quinces develop their aromas when cooked – they are less enjoyable raw. Red cabbage also tastes particularly good after long simmering. However, it can also be used

Saisonal ernähren im Oktober

Feed seasonally in October

What foods can be harvested in October? From pumpkin can be prepared the most diverse dishes. Whether as a warming soup, together with other vegetables in the oven or simply cooked – pumpkin heralds the autumn. Apples can also be

Freitags 17.30 Uhr Fitnessboxen in der Frauensporthalle

Fitness boxing in Frauensporthalle

Fridays 17.30 fitness boxing in the women’s sports hall – trial lesson free of charge Fitness boxing: What is it exactly? Simply put, it’s nothing more than boxing without an opponent. Instead of competing against each other in the ring

Saisonal ernähren im September

Feed seasonally in September

What foods can be harvested in September? Raspberries can be enjoyed in many different ways – as a snack between meals, in a cake or even in a salad. They are considered a miracle weapon for the body due to

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