Bewegte Neuigkeiten für Marzahn-Hellersdorf

kopie pressemitteilung

Press release – Berlin, 19.05.2022

Cricket pulsates on the green space “Place Internationale On Saturday, May 14, 2022, the Cricket party was held on the green area across from the refugee shelter at 78 Maxie Wander Street. 19 players of the clubs “Hellersdorfer Athletik-Club Berlin – Cricket Women” (ACB), Berlin Cricket Academy (BCA) and International Cricket Academy Berlin (ICAB) provided excitement on the field prepared for this purpose. The women of Berlin BCA won the tournament, followed by AC Berlin. In total, there were over fifty people present at the neighborhood tournament. You can find the complete press release HERE

beitragsbild frauen cricket

Women’s Cricket Festival in Berlin

Women’s Cricket Festival in Berlin●Sa. – 14. Mai 2022, 2:00 – 5:30 pm●in Hellersdorf on the green area “Place Internationale” (Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin)●You are cordially invited – there are chairs for spectators

kopie pressemitteilung

Press release – Berlin, 19.05.2022

Cricket pulsates on the green space “Place Internationale On Saturday, May 14, 2022, the Cricket party was held on the green area across from the refugee shelter at 78 Maxie Wander Street. 19 players of the clubs “Hellersdorfer Athletik-Club Berlin – Cricket Women” (ACB), Berlin Cricket Academy (BCA) and International Cricket Academy Berlin (ICAB) provided excitement on the field prepared for this purpose. The women of Berlin BCA won the tournament, followed by AC Berlin. In total, there were over fifty people present at the neighborhood tournament. You can find the complete press release HERE

beitragsbild frauen cricket

Women’s Cricket Festival in Berlin

Women’s Cricket Festival in Berlin●Sa. – 14. Mai 2022, 2:00 – 5:30 pm●in Hellersdorf on the green area “Place Internationale” (Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin)●You are cordially invited – there are chairs for spectators

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