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Bewegte Neuigkeiten für Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Flyer Familien und Vereinssportfest

Family and club sports festival on 03.09.2022

PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR ALL•SPRINT-JUMP-THROW(Athletics)Acquisition of the German Sports Badge•soccer tournament for recreational teams•SPORTS SHOWS(cheerleading, cricket, karate, rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, volleyball and basketball, table tennis, badminton,

Flyer Familien und Vereinssportfest

Family and club sports festival on 03.09.2022

PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR ALL•SPRINT-JUMP-THROW(Athletics)Acquisition of the German Sports Badge•soccer tournament for recreational teams•SPORTS SHOWS(cheerleading, cricket, karate, rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, volleyball and basketball, table tennis, badminton,

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