Self-defence – Free information event

beitragsbild selbstverteidigung

Self-defence – Free information event

For every age group – easily explained, to join in and try out!

In the two-hour seminar, you will learn the theoretical basics. What is self-defence? What is allowed? In the practical part, punching and kicking techniques are tried out.

You will also be informed about further courses in your area.

12.5.22 – 1 p.m. | SOS District Centre, Alte-Hellersdorfer Str 77, 12629 Berlin
19.5.22 – 1 pm | Kaulsdorf District Centre, Brodauer Str. 12, 12621 Berlin
25.6.22 – 12 h | in the women’s sports hall Marzahner Promenade 55, 12679 Berlin

Registration on 0174-9839182 – or directly at the district centre.

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