Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz

flyer nachbarschaftsfest

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 from 2pm to 6 pm, the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance at the Place of Diversity invites all residents of the district to the Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz, 12679 Berlin.

Many committed participants will organise a free afternoon with activities and music for the whole family and invite you to talk and join in. With a stage programme, family games, participatory circus or creative painting and handicrafts, we want to bring our neighbourhood together and inform about the work of district initiatives and associations. DEGEWO supports this festival.

Stage program

14:00 – Sami Alkomi, Fabian Gröger

14:05 – Bündnis für Demokratie undToleranz

14:10 – Zucker & Zimt

14:30 – Diversity Bingo

14:50 – Crazy Squirrels (StreetdanceKids) (Fit und fun e.V.) und Zumba zum Mitmachen

15:20 – Giants Cheerleader Berlin

15:35 – Pal Chang

16:05 – Modenschau (Martina Polizzi)

16:30 – Akrobatikshow Cabuwazi

17:00 – ukrainisches Ensemble Potpourri

17:15 – Raketen Erna

18:00 – Moderationsteam

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