FRAUENSPORTHALLE – Dear members, dear relatives, dear friends of the association, we would like to hike with you!
When: 10.07.23
Time: 17:00 Uhr
Start: Frauensporthalle
Destination: Stadtteilzentrum Biesdorf
There we will have a barbecue and a drink.
Costs: 3 € per person
Contact: | | 0174-9839182
From aerobics to yoga – at its best in a club!
Come along! Welcome, men too, please!–Tuesdays, 8 p.m. at Ebereschengrundschule, Borkheider Straße 28A, 12689–Thursdays, 8 p.m. at Schule am grünen Stadtrand, Geraer Straße 54, 12689–Provider: Polizei-Sport-Verein (PSV) – Sportgymnastik–Contact via