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District Food Strategy

Auftakt Ernährungsstrategie

Following the Berlin Nutrition Strategy, the topic of nutrition will be focused on in a district strategy in the coming year. To this end, opportunities for implementing a sustainable diet are identified and strengthened together with stakeholders in Marzahn-Hellersdorf.

The physical activity atlas is also complemented by offers on the topic of nutrition. The 14th Health Conference on 27.10.22 was the kick-off event for the development of the district nutrition strategy.

DSPN is also developing a prevention programme together with the PKV Association and in cooperation with the Platform for Nutrition and Physical Activity to promote nutrition literacy in young children’s settings. In this context, an online survey on the topic of feeding very young children is still underway.

We are looking forward to your support!

Click here for the survey (ends 31.12.22): https://s2survey.net/Kleinstkindernaehrung/

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