Website BEGSpo gUG

We are now looking for volunteers who would like to support our ongoing and well-received offers.

We are “move it 2.0” – a BEGSpo project. In consultation with the neighborhood management, we are using the project to implement non-binding, varied and free sports and exercise offers around the Boulevard Kastanienallee in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The project will be made possible and financed until 30.06.2024 with funds from the Social Cohesion Program. As a follow-up project to “move it” (July 2022), we have already been able to implement many offers on site. We can pass on some offers so that they can be continued when the project comes to an end. Other offers have not yet been stabilized and NEED YOU!

We are looking for helpers for the following offers who would like to accompany the offers and continue them from June 2024:

  • “Fun and games with exercise” with the children in the shared accommodation (1h, free concept)
  • Exercise program with people with disabilities (approx. 1 hour, simple gymnastics)
  • Exercise program for children, as part of a project for single parents (1-2h, free concept)

We look forward to you and your ideas!

Feel free to contact us and we will discuss your questions, wishes and suggestions.

Until then, your “move it 2.0” team!

To apply for this job email your details to

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